FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE W Ketchup reaffirms Commitment to American Cuisine
Ketchup recipes appeared in the early 1800s, with one of the first being by Mary Randolph, a cousin of Thomas Jefferson. The first nationally distributed ketchup was created in 1837. F.&J. Heinz introduced its product in 1876. Heinz grew to become one of the great American companies, standing for American cuisine influenced by the American way of life. The Heinz family became noted philanthropists, supporting the United Way and, during World War II, the United War Fund. Through a twist of fate, the Heinz family interest in the Heinz company fell to Maria Teresa Thierstein Simões-Ferreira Heinz Kerry, who continues to be the largest controlling shareholder with interests worth over half a billion dollars. The Heinz family money is now used to support organizations like the Tides Foundation, which recently joined with convicted insider-trader George Soros to bankroll the Occupy movements across America. Teresa Heinz also funds radical, anti-industrial environmental causes. Dan Oliver, CEO of W Ketchup, commented: “It is a necessary tragedy of capitalism that the work of the patriotic and self-reliant can fall into the hands of effete, social planning globalists who labor to destroy the very liberties that allow wealth to grow. But, capitalism's resilience allows other companies to compete and continue the work of those that have lost their way. The only organization W Ketchup supports is the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund, following in the tradition of Jack Heinz.” Teresa Heinz married failed presidential candidate and disgraced senator John Kerry. Kerry is distantly related to the wealthy Forbes family, and was educated at an elite boarding school in Switzerland, where he learned French. In January of 2011, Senator Kerry admitted he does not like ketchup. This month, Heinz is releasing a new ketchup made with balsamic vinegar instead of the traditional white vinegar. The company claims the new concoction is more “sophisticated” and recommends it be used on the “Haute Dog,” “Hamburgeur” or “French Frites.” W Ketchup Chairman Bill Zachary reacted: “We doubt French spellings will convince Senator Kerry to share in the cuisine of his fellow Americans, or that he would dress his plate with so plebian a sauce as ketchup, whatever ingredients the laboratory at Heinz develops. We at W Ketchup will continue to offer traditional ketchup for those that relish in American food.” Recent news reports reveal that the Heinz-Kerrys were actively trading pharmaceutical stocks during the Obamacare debate. Kerry sits on the Senate Finance Committee's Health Subcommittee giving him influence over the details of healthcare legislation. Insider trading is legal for members of Congress and their spouses. A recent study revealed that senators outperform the market by an astonishing 12% per year. W Ketchup's only source of income is from sales of ketchup. W Ketchup would like to wish its customers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Orders must be placed by December 14th to ensure delivery by Christmas. W Ketchup was founded to free Americans from the ketchup monopoly, and to allow all Americans to support a ketchup that shares their beliefs. To order W Ketchup, please click on the link below: To join the W Ketchup email list, please click on the link below: W Ketchup donates a portion of every purchase to the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund, which helps fund college tuition for the children of America’s fallen heroes.Founded in 2004, W Ketchup™ is a private company that makes ketchup
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